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WKHS Staff

Aric Thomas

Aric Thomas

Worthington Kilbourne High School

School Hours: 8:40 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Office Number: 614-450-6400
Attendance Phone: 614-450-6410
Attendance 24/7 Messages: 614-450-6410

Co-Curricular Phone: 614-450-6425
Counselor Phone: 614-450-6420
Student Services Phone: 614-450-6455
Registrar Phone: 614-450-6482


1 2 3 16 > showing 1 - 9 of 139 constituents

Brianna Abbott

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Jonathan Addy

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Dominique Alexander

Assistant Principal
Worthington Kilbourne High School

Noel Avellana

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Reema Ayesh

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Erica Backhurst

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Jon Baird

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Christiane Baker

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Blake Balogh

Worthington Kilbourne High School